Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Critique & Confessional--For Adults Only

Be honest--do you watch porn?
Of course you do!
Maybe not often, but I expect no one has been able to avoid at least trying it!
For me, it began in 1972, when a housemate--a Unitarian minister, no less!!--invited me and my BFF (a girl) to join him in seeing the Marilyn Chambers movie "Behind the Green Door"!
That was my initiation!
He also took me on my first "skinny dipping" adventure!"
Anyway, I've been pondering for awhile whether to write this post!
My blogging reputation is mostly formed from my other blog--Aaron K's Track & Field Record Book"--where I've written nearly 560 posts in just over 5 years!

So yes, I watch "pom"!
I put that word in quotes because I don't like that word to describe movies or "scenes" that show graphic sex acts--in total detail--close up!
I'd call them just "sex scenes"

While I began by watching heterosexual sex movies, I turned to watching mostly lesbian themed movies after seeing the mainstream movie "Lianna" in 1983.
From there, I've been watching mostly lesbian themed movies & sex scenes--particularly after VHS began, then with DVD's, and now on the Internet!
(BTW, I watch MANY other kinds of movies and TV shows, from G-rated to R-rated also!!)

In fact, I've watched so many that I've made lists of my Top 100 Lesbian Themed Movies--and Top 100 Lesbian Sex Scenes!
So I feel I'm qualified to write this critique!i
What's good--and what's bad---about these movies & scenes?
It's only my opinion, but I feel it needs revision--a different vision, if you will!

As with any "art", there are personal tastes & preferences!
To say one prefers lesbian themed scenes & movies is not enough!
For there are excellent examples available, and there are filthy sleazy ones also--which shouldn't have even been made!!

A "sex scene" should be a simulation, a mirror, of "real life"
It should show "real" people making "real" love in "real life situations and venues"!!
It should not be "staged" or scripted!
Sadly, most "porn" is!!

But MY list contains movies & scenes of a higher quality!
And that's why I prefer "homemade" sex scenes with "amateur" participants!
(Why "average" people choose to film themselves having sex is a whole other topic!!)

To begin, "real" love making doesn't begin with your clothes off--in bed--and just seconds from "doing it"
As any romantic person knows, it begins with a "normal" life scene--maybe watching a TV show, reading a book, having dinner or a snack, talking!

Sure, you know you want sex, but you don't want to rush it!
No "Slam, bam, thank you, ma'am's" here, thank you!

So a good sex scene begins with conversation, and not even having to be sexually oriented!
But it soon turns intimate--or fun (with laughter & teasing)!
You'll begin snuggling.
The snuggle will lead to soft caresses, then to a kiss, then a deeper set of kisses!
Then to a hand inside her blouse or sweater, with her hand keeping yours there!

As with words, one touch leads to others!
A suggestion to go to the bedroom, maybe!

Once there, then the clothes come slowly off, and the couple is on their way to bliss, passion, and hopefully, an orgasm or three!!

But there aren't many sex scenes that travel that road!!

No, they BEGIN with the sex!
And the woman wears spiked heels and lacy provocative underwear, and acts "sluttish" and brutally perverse!
Sound good to you?
Well, not to me!

What woman EVER wears spiked heels to bed?
In fact, EVER even wears spiked heels, period??
They normally remove their heels once they leave the restaurant or office and change to more comfortable footwear!
As for going directly to "the actt", have you known many women who preferred that--excepting the advance mutual agreement to have a "quickie"--maybe due to time constraints?
And PLEASE, don't call a woman a "slut", "whore" or a "bitch"--as many "porm" scenes do!!
I'd respect any woman who walked quickly away once called those words!!

As I said, I've watched well over 100 lesbian themed movies and sex scenes!

And the best ones begin with SOME conversation, a story, a plot!
Okay, so the "plot" is so thin as to be almost non-existent!
And the dialogue is so bad as to be embarrassing!

The only sex scenes without any of that are those produced by "Abby Winter", an internet producer of lesbian sex scenes!
But "Abby Winter" doesn't even exist!
No, that's just the name of the company--which, almost perversely, is led by a MAN!!

Yet their films are real!
The orgasms aren't faked!
The women wear no make-up, and NEVER wear heels, let alone spiked heels!
They normally have average size or slightly larger breasts!
Their hair isn't professionally done!

But the sex is beautiful, and the cameras don't enter the picture, leaving the lovers to make love "in private"--or at least you're led to believe they're all alone!
The scenes are filmed in one of the person's real apartments-but you see just one room!
As the company formed in Australia, then moved to Holland, many of the women have accents--from many different countries!

Other scenes I like contain at least 10 to 20 percent talking before the first kiss!
And since I prefer scenes that seem to be "real life", I prefer scenes that last at least 40 minutes!
The longest scene (and it's NOT a movie, even though it lasts over 90 minutes) allows for more talking, more kissing time, more touches, and slower going to the "Big O"!!

They are NOT boring!!
In that scene--oddly titled "Gwendoline and Suzie 1", even though neither woman is named Gwendoline or Suzie!!--and BTW, it actuially lasts 104 minutes, but the final 12 minutes is "back stage", after the scene ends, with the actresses just fooling around!!--a young girl is a freshman at a mid-west college, but was born & raised a Mormon in Salt Lake City!
She rooms in a dorm with a lesbian, who she tells a young beautiful counselor at the school that she brings "girls to the room"  a lot, and it makes her feel guilty, because she listens to them having sex, and finds herself enjoying it!
The counselor--probably not older than 25--tells her it's "normal" for girls to experiment while in college--or throughout life, for that matter!
The talk goes on for a few more minutes, and then the girl starts to leave!
But the counselor had been so friendly and given such good advice and insights, that they became close, even though they'd just met!
The girl suggests they hang out, and the counselor says she'd like that!
Then, after a moment, she asks if she can kiss her!
The girl says she'd like that, and the first kiss leads to a few more!
Then they break away, and realize how far they'd gone!
Not uncomfortable, but not totally "there" yet!
Then the counselor asks if she can kiss her again, and the girl accepts again!
This time, they go farther, unbuttoning blouses, and beginning to get  more erotic and even romantic---until a boy knocks and enters the room!
You only hear him--he's not on camera!
He apologizes and leaves!
The women laugh, a bit startled & embarrassed for being "caught"!
But they'd started something, and so the counselor invites the girl to her on campus apartment the next evening!

Once there--in the kitchen--they know why they're there--to finish what they'd started!

But do they rush into it?
Not exactly!
They go to the bedroom, where many kisses lead to soft tender caresses, more kissing, more touching!
Finally, the clothes come off, and the sex begins!
But in this 90 minute scene, the first orgasm doesn't come (pardon the pun!) until over 40 minutes into it!!

And never does it become "wild" or sleazy in  any way!
(Except maybe for the idea that an "older" professional woman is having sex with an 18 year old student!!)

So if you're into it, look for scenes that don't BEGIN in the bedroom!
And look for scenes where the women don't dress like prostitutes!

They're normal women in normal situations doing normal things!

They don't "f--k" or screw!
They make love--which literally means they CREATE love---or at least loving feelings!

Be picky!
Don't watch "porn" to get your rocks off!
Watch it as you would any other form of visual art!!

Because the best fantasies are those that simulate YOUR own experiences or desires--not some beer bellied MALE producer of SLEAZE!!

Yes, everybody has seen "porn"!
But only in "confessionals" like this do they admit it!!

Without shame or regret!!

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Originals

With the deaths of Aretha Franklin, Neil Simon, and John McCain all in the past 2 weeks, I was led  to consider some of the people I've loved and learned from, been inspired by, who made me who I became.
Since this is a "cultural" blog, I should maybe bypass the political spectrum.
But let me begin with----

John McCain
Watching the network's coverage of his death (and life!), I noticed something that led me to list him as one of my "originals".
How many Senators (or those outside the Executive area of US Government) ever received the kind--and amount--of tributes McCain is getting?
I can understand Presidents having such in-depth and lengthy coverage, but a Senator?
Except for the Kennedy's (thinking mostly of Teddy), there have been few.
He was so larger-than-life, so honest in his thoughts and emotions, so---different.
Few have moved me to tears.
McCain did.

Neil Simon was another original.
His comedic plays were numerous, and major hits, many becoming movies or TV shows!
My own favorite was "Chapter Two".
I always look for strong dialogue in the books I read.
(And of course, plays and movie scripts are nothing BUT dialogue--with some technical directions.)
Simon's was quick--like those 1930's movies that were pretty much non-stop chatter!
They were intelligent, funny, told a story.
But mostly I liked his dialogue because it sounded natural and normal, not scripted or forced.
You CAN tell the difference!

Two other writers I loved were Henry Miller and Kurt Vonnegut.
Miller's "Tropic of Cancer" was the first of his books I read.
It inspired me to write my own "Tropic".
A VERY poor imitation!!
But he made graphic sexual description and talk acceptable--even if he had to go to court to do so!
His "Sexus" is a 640 page (in paperback) orgy!!
But it's also one of the most enduring love stories in novels.
Interesting too that the 2 other books of "The Rosy Crucifixion" trilogy--"Plexus" & "Nexus" were so different, almost totally bereft of sex and cuss words, but rather deep & penetrating works of philosophy!
Miller himself was a huge figure in life--and I'm not speaking of body size!

Vonnegut--at least for me--was totally original.
His use of phrases such as "Hi ho" & "So it goes" made his works stand alone.
They SEEMED so simplistic--as if written for a 5th grader--yet were as complex and profound as any I've read!
I began with "Slaughterhouse Five", but went back and wound up reading everything he wrote--from "Player Piano" forward.
(He's another I tried to copy--and failed!)
That's why he's an original!!

Vincent Van Gogh
I didn't really get into art until my early 30's--when I got into a relationship with an artist!
(I modeled for a class she taught, we started dating, and became lovers.)
She told me of a trip to Europe, where she saw some Van Gogh paintings.
She said she stood there mesmerized--and cried for several minutes!
So I read a bio of him, then another, and more after that!
I looked closely at prints in books.
The paint seemed globbed onto the canvas, rather than brushed.
But it was his LIFE that moved me early on.
His loneliness, his passion, his needs, the depth of love that came out so beautifully in his art.
It wasn't until 1991 that I saw a VG painting in person.
And not until 2004 that I saw a full show (22 paintings & drawings--in Seattle).
As with my former girlfriend, I also stood mesmerized before his art.
I was amazed at the seeming simplicity of his paintings, yet up close seeing what made him a true original!

The Beatles and Bob Dylan
I became fans of both within months in early 1964.
Being 74 now, I was 12 when Elvis Presley blasted over the radio (WOR in New York City), and led me to a lifetime of rock and roll involvement!
In the 7 years between Elvis's "Hound Dog" and the Beatles "I Want to Hold Your Hand" fell a wide spectrum of incredible R&R--names such as the Everly Brothers, Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, and on and on and on!
But despite constant hits, the list of great tunes was thinning as the decade's changed from the 50's to the 60's.
Until the Beatles (though the BeachBoys came earlier, with some solid stuff) exploded into eternal fame on the Ed Sullivan show!
Their music was louder, their voices "foreign-sounding", and their hair longer!
We know what followed.
Lots has changed, but if you want original rock, you can't do any better than the Beatles!

As for Dylan, I first was taken by his voice.
So many critics disparaged it--some even saying it was the "worst"!
Then I heard his lyrics.
From the beginning, they seemed like poems.
Even those that rhymed!
His were the first lyrics I had to read several times before I could "see" his meanings!
Never a reader of the classic poets (Not even Robert Frost or Emily Dickinson!!), I became aware of the rhythms, the metering, the "breathing" needed to understand what he was saying.
Reading his words led me to a lifetime love of the "Beat" poets--Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, Ann Waldman, and so many others!
But most of all, Dylan inspired ME to try my hand at poetry and lyrics (NOT song!) writing!
Thousands of works later, I still revere Dylan as a true original!

There have been several others I'd call "original".

Alan Watts (for his interpretations of Eastern philosophy and religion)

Sally Ride & Christa McAuliffe (Ride for being the 1st US woman into space--McAuliffe for being an "everyday" person sent into space--but who died so tragically)

Martin Luther King, Willie Mays, and Barack Obama (MLK for the changes he inspired--Mays as the first great baseball player I saw--in the Polo Grounds in 1954--and President Obama--who is maybe a better & more interesting person now than he was as President)

Cezanne, Renoir, Degas, Monet (other Impressionist & Post-Impressionist artists I love)

Jack Nicholson & Clint Eastwood (two actors whose "methods" are familiar, and whose lifelong works are spread all over my "Best Movies" lists--and who work humor into their humanity)

Wilt Chamberlain, Usain Bolt, and Joe Montana (these athletes made me see athletes as not just great performers, but to see athletes as entertainers also)

Allen Ginsberg, Walt Whitman, Erica Jong (three poets whose "collected works" I've read more than once--If you're thinking Jong is a novelist, you'd be right--but she's also a great "confessional" poet)

I could probably add to the above, but this has to stop somewhere.
If you haven't already, check these guys & gals out.
And if you want, tell me who YOUR "originals" are!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Top 15 21st Century TV Shows

This blog has NOT died!
But it HAS been ignored for far too long!
My apologies!
(Been super busy with my Track & Field blog--but that's NOT the best excuse!!)

So I thought I'd return here by giving you my list of the best (IMHO) TV shows & series of this century!
This does NOT include shows that began in the 20th century, and ended in this one--such as NYPD Blue!
Some were one season wonders, while others have gone on for 14 seasons or more, and continue to this day (or will return in 2019!).
These ratings are based on my own personal tastes and interests!
One thing--the only one of the 15 that I watched LIVE (the year it first appeared on TV) was Commander-In-Chief!
All the others I "binge-watched" on Netflix just in the last 3 or 4 years!!
And several of these I've watched more than once---all the way through!!

I will list them in inverse order, beginning with number 15!

15.  GLOW
Season 2 just began (or became available on Netflix), but I haven't watched it yet!
So this review is based on Season One!
Based on a real TV show from the 80's, this is the story of an LA-area Women's Wrestling team that became so famous, it had its own TV show!
It follows the (male) team manager, and all the ladies of GLOW!
Funny, dramatic, with great fight scenes, you'll grow to love these women!!

14.  Girls
I LOVED the first season, and wound up watching the next 3.
But my interest faded with each passing season!
It wasn't just the megalomania of Lena Dunham, but the agonizing ME-ME-ME-ness of the entire cast!
(Though I liked Jenna the best--the British girl!)

13.   Cedar Cove
Andie McDowell plays a beloved Judge in a small town near Puget Sound and Seattle!
She meets the handsome new editor/writer/etc of the town's newspaper in the 1st episode!
This 3-year series follows their up & down relationship!
There's a nasty villain, of course, who wants to develop the cozy little hamlet with condos & casinos---and Heaven forbid!--tear down the 100 year old lighthouse!!
Some good characters--especially Moon, the hippie owner of the town's main hangout!

12.   Life, Unexpected
This show, together with Switched at Birth and The Fosters, centers on a teenage girl!
She's almost 16 when the show begins, and wants to be emancipated from foster care!
She discovers her birth parents are a slacker bar owner and a popular Portland morning radio host--who she's been listening to for years!!
They take custody of her, and the show moves forward in linear fashion!
But this girl is a decade older in "wisdom", and, it seems, life experience!
She does more damage to herself than the big old cruel world ever can!
A GREAT show---one I wish had been extended to more seasons!
(But a good finale!!)

11.   Pitch
This show lasted just one season---even though people BEGGED for it to continue!!
It follows the year Major League Baseball's 1st female  spent with the San Diego Padres!
(Scenes take place in the Padres ballpark!!)
There's a veteran catcher (who catches her games), an old manager, her agent, and the team's owners!
Lots of great game scenes, and even better locker room scenes!
(No nudity!!)
A fascinating premise, well developed, and could easily have been renewed!!

10.   Sarah Palin's Alaska
If you don't like her politics, please give this show a glance anyway!
While highly controversial, Sarah the Person is entertaining and very personable!
So is her family (husband, 5 kids, parents)!!
She takes you on a "reality show" tour of her beloved state, where she was Governor from 2006 to 2009!
And yes, you CAN see Russia from Alaska---but not from her house!!)

9.   Madam Secretary
Tea Leoni plays a former CIA operative who is called on by the President to become the Secretary of State after the current one dies!
The series follows her world travels, her interactions with the President (and his gnarly Chief of Staff), and her husband and 3 children!
Some thrilling episodes, some romances (among staff members), and some good family scenes!
First season is best, where they look into the former SecState's mysterious death!

8.  The Fosters
Just saw the 3-part finale of Season 5---and the entire show's end!
Callie is in "Juvie" when the show begins, but becomes Stef & Lena's latest foster child!
They're a lesbian couple who have 1 biological son--through Stef's marriage to a man--and 2 foster kids--twins, a boy and a girl!
They soon bring in Callie's younger brother!
Callie has suffered through many years in bad foster homes, and is "scarred", but her super-serious demeanor does not fit her teen age of 16!!
She moves from 1 boyfriend to another, from 1 crisis situation to another--rarely smiling or enjoying life!!
Brandon (the biological son) almost becomes her incestual lover, but is forced to back off!
Callie is played by Maia Mitchell, an Australian girl!!

7.   Masters of Sex
Based (loosely) on the true story of the relationship between Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson (Masters & Johnson), this follows their 1st meeting, their romantic development, and how their research changed people's thinking on female sexuality in the 50's and 60's!
Some excellent "50's" settings, hairstyles, clothing, etc!
Also good episodes which show you some of the history of those times--especially the racial fights of the 60's!
Masters's wife (Libby) becomes involved with a black activist!!
Some really funny scenes, AND lots of nudity and simulated sex scenes!

6.   Grey's Anatomy
Believe it or not, I watched all of its first 14 seasons in a few short weeks of intensive binge-watching!
Meredith Grey is the daughter of a world-famous doctor (who, as the show begins, is suffering from Alzheimers!), and is one of the new interns at a large Seattle hospital!
She meets Derek Shepard in a bar, has a 1 night stand, then learns HE is the surgeon she'll be working with!
A romance soon develops, and despite numerous operating room scenes--and looks into the lives of the other interns--the series centers on Meredith & Derek!
Thus, (Spoiler Alert!!) when Derek dies, the show falters!
Another of my favorite characters--Izzy--also leaves the show!
While the show moves on with the other players (and always Meredith!), my personal interest has faded a bit!!
BTW, I'd never watched the show "live" when first aired!!

5.   Switched at Birth
In its pilot episode, the rich parents of "Bay" discover that Bay is NOT their biological child (now 16), but was "switched at birth" by a neglectful nurse!!
The "other" child--Daphne--also now 16, has been deaf since age 3, and was raised by a poor Puerto Rican hairdresser in a "bad" part of town (Kansas City).
Bay is another of those teens older than her years, who seemingly flits from one boy to another---and even steals 1 or 2 of Daphne's!!
What sets this show apart is the extensive use of ASL (American Sign Language), and REAL deaf actors!!
Everyone grows older in the show's 5 seasons, and Bay becomes your favorite character to hate!!

4.   The L Word
As you might already know, I'm a connoiseur of Lesbian-themed TV shows and movies!
And this 7 year series is the very best!!
It follows a group of lesbians in the Venice area of LA!
Some have long-term relationships, a few are promiscuous, and one (Jenny) is "straight"---but soon becomes involved in a lesbian relationship!
There's nudity and sex scenes, and tragedy and comedy!
In other words, it shows normal people living their normal lives---albeit as women loving women!

3.   When Calls the Heart
You might see this show as my "anomaly"!
It stands out among all the others because it's probably the only purely G-rated show on this list!!
(It shows on the Hallmark Channel!)
But I LOVE it!
Set in a small coal mining town a few days stagecoach ride from Vancouver BC in 1910!
It has excellent sets, costumes, and atmosphere!
The heroine is a city-bred rich girl who becomes "Coal Valley's" new teacher!
The classes are held in a saloon after the church/school burns down!
The show begins 3 months after a mine disaster killed 46 men (& some teens!).
She meets the area's new Constable (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), and they slowly develop a loving relationship!!
Two other key characters are Abigail Stanton, widow of the mine's deceased foreman, and Henry Gowen, an "evil" & sleazy money-grubber---who later becomes one of the "good guys"!!
If you can take all the sweetness & Hallmark gooeyness, this show WILL grow on you!
It did on me!!
And it's super popular--and Season 6 will begin in January!!

2.   Commander-In-Chief
This show's ONE season (eighteen 45 minute episodes) was 2005-2006!
It was said to be the blueprint for the 2008 run by Hillary Clinton, and starred Geena Davis as the Vice-President who becomes the President in the pilot episode when the current President dies!
Probably the first show to take the idea of a woman becoming President seriously!!
"Mac" is an Independent chosen 2.5 years earlier by the Republican candidate to be his VP!
She is opposed by "Nate Templeton", the wily & sleazy Republican House Leader--played by an excellent Donald Sutherland!!
A really well done show---but it suffered from its "connection" to Hillary!!

1.   Californication
This show lasted 7 years--and is probably TV's SICKEST show ever!!
It has extensive nudity, sex scenes, and language that gets a "XXX" rating!!
In its pilot episode, Hank (David Duchovny) walks into a church to talk to Christ, whose statue hangs on the wall!
A Nun comes out to assist, and soon offers to give him a blow job!!
The scene changes to him in bed with his latest lover---who is busy giving him a BJ---so that scene with the Nun was just a dream!
But it's a perfect example of the SLIME this show offers---in EVERY episode!!
The story is of Hank and his off & on relationship with Karen--with whom they had a daughter--Becca---who is 12 as the show begins!
(Everyone ages normally as the seasons progress!)
DESPITE the sleaze, it's a FANTASTIC show with HUGE amounts of hilarity (if you can stand George Carlin-style humor!!), and romance!!
The daughter becomes a rock band leader, and is the spitting image of Courtney Barnett--my current favorite singer/songwriter!!
The actor who plays Hank's agent is wonderful, as is the actress who plays the agent's wife!
(Her job is shaving the pubic hair of famous female movie stars!!)
One element that moves this series way above some others is its music soundtrack--rife with Classic Rock standards!!
This show deserves its position as my Twenty First Century favorite!!

No promises as to WHEN I'll be back with another post here!
But I DO want to continue with this blog!!

Friday, April 21, 2017

Dylan, Music, and Me---Chapter 3

In previous parts, I spoke of places---NYC, Palisades Amusement Park, LA & the Hollywood Bowl--that featured in my musical interest & development.
This continued as I "aged"--especially in the years from 1964 to 1973.

In June 1959, my Mom & I followed my sister to Sunnyvale CA, where I attended Sunnyvale HS in the 10th grade, then moved to North Hollywood, where I graduated in June 1962.

Being already immersed in the soul of rock (Not a conflicting term!), the jukebox in the SHS cafeteria became my "study hall" of sorts, as the "45's" we spun were history in the making---rock history!
It was there I first heard Ernie Fields's In the Mood!
But maybe more important to my development as a person---as a heterosexual man--was hearing (and dancing to!) the Fleetwoods Mr Blue!  (The Fleetwoods--NOT Fleetwood Mac!!)

Not yet an athlete, I was totally a sports fan!
Baseball, football, basketball--even, on the periphery, track and field!
So obviously, the SHS cheerleaders became a center of interest too!
Especially Peggy Nettles, golden-haired Susan Stanich, and---Miriam Price!

Aah, sweet seductive smiley BIG busted Miriam!
It was her breasts--never seen, but ever-revealed beneath her thick white or cream turtlenecks--that I dreamt or thought or fantasized about!
So Mr Blue (What a perfect title for who I really was!)--also the Highwaymen's Michael, Santo & Johnny's Sleepwalk, or Johnny Mathis's Misty---became the conduits that led me to "touch" Miriam's beautiful boobs!
To touch meant to "slow dance" in those days!
We couldn't actually touch, but we could gently pull her a bit closer, so that just the tips (Not then knowing enough to refer to her nipples!) of those breasts would "touch" our sex-deprived chests!

So the Sunnyvale HS cafeteria at lunchtime became my 2nd home--if not for Miriam & the other cheerleaders, then surely for the fantastic selection of its juke box!!
It was there that my knowledge of, and love for--rock continued and evolved!

With the move to NH--just over Laurel Canyon from Hollywood--a hamburger & malt shop joint right across the street (Can't remember its actual name, but it was our chief "hangout" after school!) became my 2nd home!
There too--just as with SHS's juke--its juke was filled with that era's hits we'd hear every hour on KRLA's Top 40 shows!
Tossin & Turnin, Do You Love Me?, The Wanderer (An "oldie" in 1962!), and then Chubby Checker's The Twist!

And yes--not to brag!--I became quite the Twister!
I could twist my legs, go low, come back up, swing those arms, jazz my hips, dip & doodle with the best!
And the music!
Chubby's song--and his other hits!---actually had a damn fine beat!!
"You could dance to it", as the saying went!

And so---besides on NHHS's track in my Senior year--that burger joint & its juke box became my favorite place to be!

Then I--and future star actress Teri Garr (then known as Terry), a class mate & casual friend--graduated!
Although I briefly attended LA Valley JC that fall--my classroom schooling was essentially done (until its resurrection in 1975 at Humboldt State University) by 1962's end!
But my "adult" life was in its infancy--in fact, still in utero!!

For over a year, I worked at shit jobs, drove shit cars, lived a shit life---except for my running!
The music too was dying--the music I'd loved & lived for since 1956!
Elvis was then becoming an "actor".
Pat Boone & Frankie Avalon (though the latter had SOME real talent!), Shelly Fabares & Annette Funicello were "defining" Rock & Roll!!
But there wasn't much rock in the roll--or roll in the rock!
In fact--the "roll" was pretty stale, metaphorically speaking!

Until 1963.
My--and the music's--story continues--soon!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Music, Dylan, and Me--Chapter 2

Ernie Fields is not a name usually associated with Rock & Roll.
Until you listen to his version of In the Mood!
That song--released in 1959--demonstrated a "new" form of music--one with a driving power surge that turned its wheels in an ongoing rhythm, progressing down the road of riffs at an ever-faster rate, yet with each new level reached seeming smooth as butter, and powerful as a 16 wheeler going downhill!
Compare it to Stevie Wonder's Maybe Baby, Hot Tuna's John's Other, or the rhythmic overlap of voices in counterpoint, as with the Beachboys & Beatles!
It was so different from the early Rock stuff where the music virtually stopped throughout the song, as changes of key or tempo happened, knocking the dancing mood into a holding pattern while the instrumentalists got going again!
When Hendrix or Beck (Jeff Beck, NOT Beck!) came along, I immediately sensed a connection with Fields's "Mood"!
Why would I--if it wasn't THERE?
Other songs from the 50's & early 60's had that element!
Tossin' & Turnin' by Bobby Lewis, Last Night by Floyd Cramer, New Orleans by US Bonds, later with Ike & Tina Turner's River Deep, Mountain High!
But I had to wait for Wonder's brilliant Maybe Baby for it all to come together!
It was THAT driving music that cast my love for the music in cement!

But music is more than the instruments played, or its tempo, or how it's layered & structured!
Music is Poetry too!
(Oh, thank you, Cliche!)
But it IS!!
And Poetry has Words!
(Brilliant, Child!)

I love you, yes I do!
Sun is burning, I am yearning.
Honey child, you're so wild!

Then Chuck Berry--May he Rest in Peace!--sang Nadine & Roll Over Beethoven & Johnny B Goode & Too Much Monkey Business--and we suddenly discovered that Rock had WORDS!

At puberty, one isn't exactly knowing of love & sexual desires & all that human relationships entail!
As Hendrix asked--Have you ever been experienced?--Well, at age 12 or 13, I haven't!!
(Nor have you, if you're honest!)
So words like I'll love you till the sun goes down passes over our adolescent heads--even bores us!
(Did you ever enjoy--or understand--a movie's or book's love story when in elementary school?)

Maybe that's one reason so many rock instrumentals found success early on--by bands like the Ventures, Dick Dale & the Del-tones, Johnny & the Hurricanes, Duane Eddy, B Bumble & the Stingers, or Ernie Fields!
I loved all of those, but when words were added, the story was complete!
I could FEEL a song's music, but I could UNDERSTAND it by its words!
And that's why the Beachboys,  Beatles and Bob Dylan gave re-birth to this "dead" music!

Doesn't really matter who the killer was, but we knew that energy of Berry & Presley & Fats Domino & the Everly's just wasn't breathing too good!
Just as pockets alone don't make a shirt, nor do pockets of musical greatness provide a life-sustaining reason for going forward!
Music needed to be Born Again!

The British Mods understood that--or at least FELT it!
John, Paul, George & Ringo weren't the sexiest of Men--although McCartney was always referred to as the "cute one"!
But the impact of their combining adult words with smashing musicality stirred the secret soul of music lovers everywhere!
The Sexual Revolution was born--or at least Born Again!--with I Want to Hold Your Hand, Twist & Shout, and She Loves You.
They wouldn't let you sit down!
They shook the very foundation of your most intimate needs.
Without a naked body to fuck, you had the tensed bodies wanting to ejaculate its caged passions, holding it all in because SOCIETY demanded you do so!
Until that music ROCKED your very soul, and like the Atomic Bomb, or like the tectonic plates below the Earth's surface rubbing together causing earthquakes, it all EXPLODED into a Shake, Rattle & Roll that was never-ending, and would more than merely survive, but would BE the underlying chemistry of our very existence!

THAT was BeatleMANIA!
I attended the 1965 Hollywood Bowl concert!
Cost--$7.50 for a middle-Bowl seat!
I parked my Mustang convertible--red & black--in the lot 2 hours before the show!
Already, a few hundred kids were there!
Mostly braces-adorned girls!
I remember the KRLA News helicopter flying over, and the girls would SCREAM--There they are!!
But no, it wasn't "them"!
The Beatles arrived in a bullet-proof limousine 2 minutes before going on stage!
They left the same way, seconds after ending their 25 minute concert!
The "music" was more the noise of the screams than the guitars & drums played--mostly off-key!, because they couldn't hear themselves!!
The Beatles became a CULTURE more than a musical band!
They became 100's of "intellectual" arguments comparing them to Beethoven & Bach!
(The only comparison I heard was their version of Berry's Roll Over Beethoven!)

Then someone wrote an essay saying that the Beatles were so popular because they used a repetition of a few simple words---you, I, love, need, want--giving breath to the idea that life & love & relationships were simple & pure--Zen-like!
If only!

And that's why we NEEDED Bob Dylan!!
When a child, you put jigsaw puzzles of 20 pieces together, learning how each piece interacts & intersects with the others!
As an adult, you play with puzzles of 500 or 1000 pieces!
Even the "pictures" become fuzzier, more intricate, more complicated, forcing your mind to "bend" with each puzzle's pattern!
She Loves You were those 20 piece puzzles!
Chimes of Freedom, A Hard Rain's-a-Gonna Fall, It's Alright Ma, I'm Only Bleeding, and later Like a Rolling Stone & Idiot Wind were the 1000 piece babies!

The challenge--for the lyrics writer--then became a CHALLENGE--in all its monster shapes & forms!
Whether rhymed or not, each line needed to tell a story, or to paint a picture!

I've often said Visions of Johanna is my favorite Dylan lyric!
For those immersed in ART--words paint a picture--as in the Chinese proverb that One picture is worth 10000 words!
Great books we've read--or even movies we've seen--describe moods and thoughts and scenery so you can SEE them!
Feelings & emotions are brought to life by the structure of the poem, the interlacing of descriptions broken off into sections (or verses!), not so much by the stories or the plot!
When the WORDS become that perfect recipe, you can TASTE the "lemon running down your leg", or the "country music station play(ing) soft", or those "visions of Johanna" that "make it all seem so cruel"!
(Aaah, Don't Be Cruel, Elvis sang!)

Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist.
But when I heard--then read!--the lyrics of Johanna, I thought of Edward Hopper, whose paintings of lonely folks sitting in lonely post-midnight cafes struck a heartfelt chord in my soul!
I could SEE that loft Dylan spoke of!
I could FEEL his lust for Johanna, even though "Louise held a handful of rain, tempting you to defy it!".
And when he sang those words--the ghost of 'lectricity HOWLS in the bones of her face", you could SEE the vampire-ic shadows of life's lines & indents in that face!

Yes, Allen Ginsberg had written the epic poem "Howl" in 1955, about the same time Elvis & Bill Haley & Old Chuck was creating a music that would "howl in the bones of OUR faces" a few years later!
I saw the best minds of my generation--destroyed by madness--starving, hysterical, naked....!
Dylan's new lyrics were the "Howl" of HIS generation!
And changed the idea of POETRY forever!
(Just ask those who wrote of Dylan receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature last year!)

To talk of my involvement with Dylan--NOT personally, NOT in our living rooms or in some loft!--but in the SEX of our connection, our joining of minds like Siamese twins, the siblings-like nature of the Beast--will take much more line space than this chapter provides!

Chapter 3 follows shortly!

Music, Dylan, and Me--Chapter 1

Tried to learn guitar, but quit before I grew calluses!
Same with piano, harmonica, and drums!
(But played tambourine one time with an LA group called the Leaves onstage at the Whiskey a Go Go!)

Music, as listener, as observer, as lyrics writer, is ingrained in my life!
It fills so many spaces & places in my life, soul & heart, I can't explain!
And I know I'm not alone!

At age 72 (born June 24th, 1944, same exact date as Jeff Beck!), I was breast fed on Elvis milk, weaned by Ernie Fields, masturbated with Hendrix, lost it to Janis, married Bob, divorced Tom Petty, got sick over Alanis, took out the Garbage, played Pick Up Sticks with the Dixie Chicks, and now, I don't have a clue!

In reality, it began with Elvis on the Ed Sullivan show in 1956!
Was living then in Edgewater NJ, facing Manhatten across the Hudson River!
Listened to Alan Freed on NYC's WOR radio, the first Top 40 station!
Also lived across from Harlem, where I never attended the Apollo.
Never lived in the Village, or saw Blake visions at Columbia University, or shared joints and ass fucks with Ginsberg & Kerouac!

Elvis--and those 'burns!
Mom, I want sideburns too!
When you're older, son!
So I combed my hair into a duck-tail and shook my hips instead!

I'd heard the black music, what was called jitterbug or rhythm & blues, until King James said it's funky!
I was never afraid of Harlem!
Once defied my Mother's instructions & changed trains at 125th!
(Later would walk the streets of the Fillmore District--fearless as a white ass rebel!)

But it was the music that turned my head!
It was that tingle and burn I felt deep within--an inner me I couldn't then define--that would add to my life a passion I'd never lose!

Some do.
They feel it too--but then lose it to the suburban zookeepers & their monotonous daily feedings!
I didn't lose it!
And it made my life what it became!

It was torn down in 1965, but I went numerous times to Palisades Amusement Park, a slow uphill walk from our apartment.
They had bands play there--early rockers, not too adult, not kids!
All later appeared on Dick Clark's American Bandstand--a show I watched all the time!

But I remember some earlier music too!
My older sister (Born in 1939, still kicking it at age 78 in Arizona!) loved Eddie Fisher!
His version of Oh My Papa was MY favorite Fisher song!
(She was a real FANatic--had whole scrapbooks with everything Eddie Fisher!!)
To this day, I still love that song!

Bob Dylan is turning out CD's of real oldies now--and I don't mean ROCK oldies!
Couldn't figure out why I don't like his doing that--until I reminded myself he and I were born 3 years apart!
He was raised on THOSE oldies--I was raised on ROCK oldies!!
We appreciate what we hear--what first fills our ears & minds & voids!

Why did Rock & Roll begin?
Why did it inflame the energies of America's  youth?

The generic reason given by "experts" was that the 50's were too staid, too boring, too conservative!
The sexual passions were hidden behind bedroom windows in houses made of ticky-tacky, those Valium wives without values!
And it was born of fear--of the bomb, of living a life without LIVING it, of the TV image of the Stepford household where "Father" knew best--but knew nothing!
It was those Commies!
It was them John Birchers!
It was the "Nigras"!
Oh my!

But check out the reality!
Black R&B & Be-Bop revved the engines of war-ravaged lads and ladies!
They weren't really racist!
They probably never even heard the word "racism"!
But in their bones, they knew!
We can't be friends with them, but we could dig their MUSIC!!
Oh baby, they SWING!!

And we swung WITH them--in our secret hideaways, our midnight escapes to jazz clubs, our radio tours of THEIR music!
But shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone your dirty little secret!

And that's why Elvis became Elvis!
He was the white innocent (even with his hip shakes!) who twisted James Brown flash and Muddy Waters blues and Robert Johnson porch swing into the seed that became known as Rock & Roll!
Elvis became the butterfly, the tree, the rounded Earth, the eternal Sea, the REASON rock survived past its emergence from the Womb!
His voice was sweet & sensual, his leer a temptation but not a rape, his songs instant hits!

Past the record burnings, past the church sermons (Ironic, really, as Elvis made some really beautiful Gospel albums!!), past all the noise & fuss, Elvis helped Rock take its first steps, speak its first words (You ain't nothing but a Hound Dog!  I want you to be my Teddy Bear!  I Got Stung!), and become potty trained!

Can you imagine Elvis clone Ricky Nelson sitting on a toilet at his Garden Party?)
Then Pat Boone MURDERED this infant culture!

Or maybe it was Elvis himself who did the deed!
He enlisted in the Army in 1958.
He emerged back into his old world in 1960!

I was by then a Californian--first a year in Sunnyvale, then to North Hollywood!
From East coast to West!
From Alan Freed to Wink Martindale!
From WOR to KRLA!
From the Cafe Wha? to the Hollywood Bowl!
From blizzards & thunderstorms to droughts & sunshine!
From James Brown to the Mothers of Invention!

And I followed the path--which became my own!
My journey--and Music's evolution--continues in Chapter 2.
Coming soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Rating TV Shows--21st Century

For my first post here since October 3rd (Sorry!!), I've decided to do something with this perverted sickness I suffer---binge-watching TV shows on Netflix!
For a year or so (though some date from earlier), I've watched a total of 34 TV shows---all dating from this century!
Sixteen of those either lasted just 1 season, or that's all I chose to watch!

The number of seasons a show lasted (or that I watched) made rating ALL 34 shows problematic!
I thought it unfair to pit a one-season-wonder against a show that lasted several seasons!
Then there's the number of episodes per season.
Some had as few as 10, while some averaged 20 or more per season!
Also, some shows had episodes lasting 30 minutes or so, while others went 45 to 60 minutes each episode!

The following lists are mine, and mine alone!
These are MY opinions!
Yours may---and probably will--be entirely different!
For example, I didn't watch even ONE episode of Breaking Bad or The Sopranos, two iconic shows EVERYONE watched---except me!

I made THREE lists!
One for those ONE season shows.
Another for shows that lasted TWO or THREE years.
Then the last for shows that went on from FOUR to SEVEN years!!
I'll present each list in inverse order!
Hope you enjoy this---and maybe you'll decide to watch some of these, inspired by this post!

ONE Season (16 shows)

16.  Slasher  (Kind of easy to rate a show "last" when you can't even remember anything about it!  Must have been OK, though, since I watched the whole season!

15. American Housewife (Did NOT watch a whole season--just 4 episodes!  The "housewife' was so whiny & bitchy, I couldn't watch anymore!

14. Better Things (I LOVED Pamela Adlon in Californication!!  But, while her 3 daughters were adorable, and 1 or 2 cameos were interesting, a show can't depend on one actress's strengths, no matter how endearing!)

13. Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic (This is essentially a tie with the next show listed!  Ms Silverman is an acquired taste--and I chose to NOT acquire future years of her show!  While some might label her the "female Lenny Bruce", I found it difficult to sit through all the racist and sexist "jokes".  Sad to say, however, that I actually LAUGHED at most of them!!)

12. The Sarah Silverman Program: First Season (See above!)

11. This Is Us  (This show had REAL possibilities!!  But after its pilot episode, confusion set in!  The back-and-forth between the present and the past became too much for me to keep track of.  I loved the character of the dying father!  And the relationship of the obese couple!  But joined together, they became lost in the plot lines!)

10. Aquarius (I saw this AFTER watching the brilliant Californication--all 7 years of it!!  So I'd become a fan of David Duchovny as slovenly sex-crazed foul-mouthed Hank Moody!  The whole Charles Manson thing was  fascinating--as I'm a person who still remembers the 60's with fondness--but even that couldn't overcome the alterations in Duchovny's appearance, demeanor, and everything else!  Besides, I HATE Manson.  Why make a show showing any form of "humanity" in him?)

9. Life's a Tripp (I was, and to some degree, remain a fan of Sarah Palin!  Shoot me!  But I'm able to separate her politics from HER!  Seen as a PERSON, Sarah is a fascinating character!  So is her family--3 daughters, 2 sons, a few grandkids, Mom & Pop!  Two of them--Bristol and Willow--are featured in this show, with cameos from Sarah, Todd, and some others!  Take this show as a look at the lives of a celebrity's kids!  You can exchange them for ANY set of a famous person's children!  But maybe you just GOTTA like the Mother!!)

8. Search Party  (This is another show that I've pretty much forgotten the plot, characters, and the show itself!  But I DO recall being embraced by the suspense, the drama, the realism factor, and maybe the attractiveness of the lead actress!!  Give it a shot!  I think I will---again!!)

7. Easy (This--and the show following--was about SEX!  And how sex makes--or breaks--a relationship!  I remember it as funny, dramatic, and with scripts you could believe!  Of course, nudity helped!)

6. Love (This and the above show can be laced together, even though they're NOT at all connected!  Again, sex, and its role in relationships based on and formed from love, plays a large role!  Cast nudity as a frequent guest star!!)

5. Scandal  (I LOVED this show's first few episodes!  Such a STRONG---and even PERFECT---lead woman character!!  Then I saw this same "perfection" (beauty, smarts, always a winner) as "breath-taking".  As in--literally--breath TAKING!!  No woman---or person--is THAT perfect!  It took too long for me to find the flaws in her!  I enjoyed the character of the President!  One more thing--the woman introduced in the pilot got lost in the shuffle--until it got so late in the game, I didn't really care about her anymore!  Too bad--I liked her!!)

4. Tell Me You Love Me (I admit it!  I found this show by googling "TV shows with REAL sex"!!  Of course, there's still a question as to whether REAL sex REALLY happened here!  I for one doubt it!  Whatever the case, this had good scripts about 3 couples and their interactions with a female shrink--played exquisitely by Jane Alexander, one of my favorite actresses!!  Too bad it went just 1 season!)

3. Sarah Palin's Alaska (See my comments about the other Palin show--Life's a Tripp.  But this one isn't whiny in any teenage-ish way--like "Tripp".  Taped in 2010--when Sarah still held some gravitas as a recent VP candidate and Governor--this follows Sarah and family around her beloved state!  While some episodes--the log-sawing on Kodiak, and the hike up Mt McKinley--were a bit too "staged", I enjoyed the series as a whole---and NOT solely because of Sarah!  Her youngest daughter--Piper, then 9--is featured quite a bit--and she's adorable!  But maybe the best feature of this show was ALASKA!!  What a gorgeous state!!)

2. Pitch  (PLEASE, let the 2nd season begin!!  The first female in Major League Baseball--the female Jackie Robinson--in a way!  It scored from the very first shot in the pilot episode!  And found the middle of the strike zone with every "pitch"!!  The baseball scenes were as realistic as could be--filmed inside the San Diego Padres home stadium!!  But the locker room scenes--but, awwww, no nude shower scenes!!--were just as good, and maybe realistic too!!  An excellent show, in all aspects!)

1. Commander-In-Chief  (Made for the 2005-2006 season, this was supposedly based on Hillary Clinton!  I saw this "live"--in its original showing on TV---then later in DVD form!  When I first saw it, I didn't know about Sarah Palin!  But when I saw the DVD, it was post-Palin as VP candidate---and potential President!  So I watched it THEN with Sarah, NOT Hillary, in mind!  So, impressed as I was by "Mac's" strength, decisiveness, genuine humaneness, and overall Presidential demeanor, I saw this as being supportive of Sarah Palin being our President!  But whether you apply a known woman to Geena Davis's brilliant performance, or see "Mac" as a prototype for a generic First Female President, doesn't really matter.  It's a well-done show that SHOULD have been given a 2nd season!!)

TWO or THREE Seasons  (13 shows)

13. Starting from....NOW!  (Sorry, but can't recall what this was about!  Although I believe it was one of those series that went out on You Tube, not on TV!  I think it had to do with lesbian life, as that subject holds my interest!  I may check it out again!)
ADDED NOTE (Feb 23rd)  I watched this entire series again yesterday--after posting this!  It IS about lesbians, and IS on You Tube!  But it went for 6 seasons, not 2 or 3!  However, because each season's episode count was SIX, and each episode lasted less than 10 minutes, I watched ALL of them in one day!  It's good, with good acting, and in a future rating like this, will probably move UP a couple of places!  It's from Australia!

12. Blue  (Ditto here!  It was a You Tube series that went 3 seasons, and I watched all of it!  They were brief episodes--maybe 8-12 minutes each--as I recall!  Also about lesbians!)
ADDED NOTE (Feb 23rd)  I did NOT watch this one again, but I DID research it, and now I remember what it was about!  NOT about lesbians, but about a single mom of a 12 year old son, who sides as a high-end call girl to help pay bills--as she has another job!  It's a drama.  I would probably leave it right here in a future rating!

11. Orange is the New Black  (Why isn't this iconic show rated higher?  Just too "crazy" for me---and my using that word also references one of the leading character's names--as in "Crazy Eyes".  Some scenes were good, but as a whole, too much crazy!!)

10. Satisfaction (Basically the British version of "The L Word", the 3 seasons were good, with the requisite sex scenes, and the interlocking of relationships.  But after seeing "The L Word", I've lowered my estimation of this show!  It's not bad--just not up to the other's standards!  Also, it's NOT available on DVD's that work in the United States!  That's a big flaw, IMO!)

9. Bliss (This was the earliest 21st century series I remember watching!  Filmed in Canada--thus being more liberal with its nudity and sex scenes--though NOT as much as would happen later on other shows!!--this one had different characters and plots on each episode!  No thread running through them.  Not bad for its time!)

8. Lip Service  (Here's yet another series---about lesbians?!--that I've lost touch with!  Maybe too like "The L Word", but in a much less controversial way!  Another series I may give one more shot!)

7. Wentworth--or Wentworth Prison (An Australian OITNB, but critics all say is far better, and much more realistic!  Extremely tough, gritty, no-holds-barred attack on your senses, this features Bea Smith, a smart-ass lesbo who confronts, and defeats the prison's "Boss Lady" in the first season, then becomes her over the next two seasons!  There's also the :Governor"--read Warden!--who gives Bea a run for her money!  Death, sex, drugs, babies, rape--it's all here!  You've been warned!!)

6. Cedar Cove  (A genteel Lifetime Movie sensibility smothers this fine show--to its advantage!!  Starring the adorably sexy Andie MacDowell as the Judge, this has all the tools for a sunshiny, all's well, touchy-feely series!  There IS a villain, of course!  But he gets what he deserves in the end!  I just wish he'd been sent packing much earlier!!  HATED the asshole!!  The grizzled restaurant owner was GREAT!!  A show MADE for Valentine's Day!!)

5. Grace and Frankie  (My rating is based on its first two seasons!  I LOVED Jane Fonda as a hippie mother in the movie "Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding"!  So it was a bit much seeing her transform into Grace, a posh, snobby, elderly matron in "G & F".  But after that initial shock, I loved her character!  Frankie's immersion in all things mystical wasn't as pretty!  Loved seeing Old Farts Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston KISSING and playing gays to the hilt!!  The "kids" all were good, and added much to the show!  Scripts maybe TOO scripted, still a great show!!)

4. Rita  (Another show NOT available on US DVD's!!  A Swedish show, it featured "Rita", a teacher of grades 4 & 9 in a fairly small school.  She's having an affair with the Principal, while juggling a single mom home life and her immense popularity with her students!  Why aren't great "foreign: shows made more easily available to US audiences??  Luckily, I found all 3 seasons on Netflix!!  There's another series that features one of the characters from "Rita", which I don't care for!  "Rita" was too in your face to enjoy someone else in the same school!)

3. Madam Secretary  (The first season covered the story of the death of the former-Secretary of State--whom Tea Leone's "Elizabeth McCord" replaced!  Leone's only flaw is that she hasn't aged!!  Still as sexy as she was in "The Family Man" and other movies, it was hard to see her in as important a role as Secretary of State!!  I hope that doesn't sound sexist, because I don't think a person's attractiveness should determine their political status!  Think Abraham Lincoln!!  Also, I wish they'd featured daughter "Stevie" more!  And I liked the relationship between the speechwriter and Press Secretary in the first season!  Still, I'm hooked!!)

2. Life Unexpected  (Why was this show cancelled after just 2 seasons?  Beautifully scripted, plotted, and acted, I truly LOVED this show!  Showing life inside a radio station is novel.  I live near Seattle, where they have a morning male-female duo!  This show takes place in Portland, so its sensibilities are pretty similar to what I'd imagine the show being based in Seattle would be!!  Follows the thread of a teen girl searching for--and finding--her birth parents, after many years in various foster homes!  I sought out this show AFTER having seen my Number One-rated show--which is next!)

1. The Fosters  (I'm now watching its 4th--and final--season!  But this rating is based solely on its first 3 seasons!  "Callie" is released from "Juvie"--or Juvenile Detention--into the care of lesbian foster parents Stef and Lena--a police officer and school vice-principal!  They already foster care for latino twins--a boy and girl--and their own child, the prodigal pianist Brandon!  Callie brings in her younger brother--a kid just itching to "out" himself as the gay he seems to be!  The ONLY flaw is with the seriousness the kids take and see life!  Don't they ever soften their "edge" just a little??  Jeez!!  But that notwithstanding, I absolutely LOVE this show!!  I've seen the first few episodes of its final season.  Hint: they are DYNAMITE!!!)

FOUR to SEVEN Seasons  (5 shows)

5. Girls  (Let me tell you, all five of these shows could get top-rating--all deservedly!  But since this is MY rating, Girls falls to the "bottom" of this list!!  While Lena Dunham as Lena Dunham might be truly lovable, I don't see her character as such!  It's not her weight, or her tattoos, or her being so obnoxious!  In fact, I don't know what it is--but she just GRINDS on me!!  My fave character is that of the British world traveler!  Never a huge fan of Adam Driver either!  But I'm willing to see Season Five, which has already begun!)

4. Masters of Sex (Based on the true story of Virginia Johnson and Bill Masters, sex gurus of the 50's and 60's, this goes off on tangential--and inherently false--incidents in their lives, historically documented in various books!  But as a "show", it works!  The acting is brilliant!  There's drama, love, humor, nudity, and of course, SEX!!  In every sub-strata imaginable!!  In and of every human orifice and fetish!  Also, and this is important, they deal with historic moments in a memorable and realistic manner!  Just sit back and enjoy the ride!!)

3. Switched at Birth  (If they'd stopped after the first 2 episodes, I might have rated this higher!  As with The Fosters, the kids here take life way too seriously!!  I was a teenager once--long ago and far away!--and I don't recall all this angst and drama!  If you get past that, this show about two sets of parents---one rich, one not---who accidentally take home each other's babies from the hospital--is excellent!!  "Daphne" has been deaf from age 3, while "Bay" is a hip artist-rebel!  The fact that they each wind up being "promiscuous" is a bit problematic for me!  Daphne seemed too GOOD for that!  Her transformation becomes less believable because of that!  Loved the signing!!  Has REAL deaf actors!!  Now in its 4th season--and still excellent!)

2. The L Word  (This was my latest "binge-watch"!!  I sat still for all it's 6 seasons of hour-long episodes--not wanting it to end!!  I held off seeing this show because I had the---wrong!!--image of its being like "Sex and the City"--i.e. pretentious, elitist, Danielle Steel novels brought to life!  How far OFF was this show!!  Locked in from its pilot episode on, I was enthralled--and made horny!!--watching these ladies fuck each other senseless--in bare-all scenes--in EVERY episode!!  A blogger counted 97 such sex scenes in its 6 year run!!  You can even forget they're lesbians!  Their stories are universally HUMAN!!  Love, death, compassion, sex, desire, loss!  The ULTIMATE lesbian show!!  Only possible BETTER show would have to include ALL the ingredients that made this the BEST---PLUS include porn-style sex scenes!!  Is anyone brave enough??  And talented enough??)

1. Californication  (What a PERFECT title!  This show's 7 seasons had a central theme--the love affair of Hank Moody and Karen. They were lovers in NYC, then moved with 12 year old daughter Becca to Venice CA!  Hank's a writer with a BFF-agent, while Karen still loves Hank, but can't BE with him!!  Karen's set to marry Dull Bill, whose 16 year old HOTTIE daughter Mia, Hank soon takes to bed!!  Oh my!!  From there, the shows evolves through all the ups and downs, ins and outs of Hank and Karen's relationship!!  Becca, however, becomes MY favorite character!!  About the same time when I first watched this show, I got turned on to Australian singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett!  Compare their faces--and hair styles!  Don't they seem almost TWINS??  Not to mention that Becca's also a singer-songwriter!!  Hank's agent and his wife--played by Pamela Adlon!--are GREAT, and add much to my liking the show!  There's TONS of nudity and sex scenes, plus 1000's of STRONG cuss words--so beware!!  Spoiler alert!!  This one has a HAPPY ending!!)

Apologies for the length!
Hope you enjoyed reading it, and wish you'll try some of these shows yourself!!
Let me know what YOU think!!